

I have met a few on a more personal level then causal passing by at the Ubar's fires. Spending a few ahns there to get to learn the layout of the fires, wagons, supplies, clan fires of the Ubar's wagons. There are main wagons and of course a form of extensions of the main clan wagons throughout the tribe. We are to vast to travel to one central place everyday. I think for those of my clan, we are a bit more flexible. We tend to walk the rows of wagon alleys to see those who need such assistance. Those of my clan, after many years of practicing have healing wagons by our personal wagons fully equipped for those we need to watch closely. I have two, only because I have inherited my Father's healer wagon upon his death. I used his for those that needed extended stay, and my own for those coming over for minor bone setting and stitches.

I walk back to my wagons in the evening. I have my girl Tori know to come get me if something is urgently needed. I know I am not the only healer of the outer wagons, but I do have my regulars and those I do feel pride in knowing I am their preference. Tori knows to make the rounds every morning to take teas to those who have weak knees in the morning to ease the pain. She can tell me information I need by doing it personally then sending them home with packets to make themselves. One, its rare a Warrior will take to tea, even I struggle choking it down. She can tell me how their eyes look, finger nails, or if them are still favoring the weakened limb. Between tea drop off, and checking livestock who are in healing pens, she makes a mean cooked Tarsk. She has been a vital part of my life for many years. A rare thing to find a girl, that just perfectly fits in. She brought with her, knowledge, and has taught me also. She was a healer of dwellers in her younger years. Now my girl Tasha, is a divine example of hot slave slapped on fiery furs. She was a raided find. Dark skin which she told me was common from the dweller land of Schendi she came from. She was a merchant dealing in spices, which is a benefit to me also, as she knows combination of roots and leaves that help me and Tori work. I have to say, she is the better cook of the two, but after the last few dozen years, I tell them both I am still trying to decide.

Every other day I take to the herds in duty. I find myself wondering whose command at the Ubar's wagons I might come under. My own Commander, Junneau, has not given me a break in my seeking of the Ubar's wagon. I am pleased he hasn't. There has been times I have had to leave early for serious injuries from returning raiding parties, even for his own injuries from battle, Junneau still makes me make up the ahn's of my patrol. He is my Father's younger Brother. Him and my Father would fight on end over my sleepless days then take off drinking chasing after a couple girls in the dark, while I would be left having fallen asleep at the fires. Those were the good days. I missed them.

I had a lot on my mind walking from the fires to my wagons tonight. Its a long walk, but one to allow me to clear my mind and take in account of those around. Families, young, old. I chuckle at the Warrior that kept calling me young. I had not been young for a long time, though inside I felt that way. So I wasn't offended. I wondered how many of the Commanders that were younger then the scars on my face. It was a pride thing. Those to strive to be all they could for Tribe. I am proud of them.

I checked on Hannah, a young soon to be Mother whose Mate's wagons were near my own. She has been looking very pale, but she is carrying a large child. Her mate was a large Warrior, so much so I check on his kaiila every turn of the moon to make sure there was no arching in its back. She was in good spirits this evening, and this pleased me. I shared some warm milk with her and her younger sister who was living with them to help Hannah as both mothers were gone, and the Fathers were just waiting for the birth of a boy. I had to say, for the sake of Hannah to be able to rest after the birth, I was asking the Sky for a boy for her mate also. For he was asking me at our every passing...when he can expect her to get pregnant again after this one.

It wasn't so simple to just have a late warm drink with women at any wagon. They shoved food towards me, and acted fevered for conversation. Once I had eaten my fill of bosk, and her younger sister was done telling me what a prize mate I would be for any woman, I had to fake an urgent run to the trenches as the milk goes right through me, to get them to let me go. I waited by the shadow of my wagon watching the moons until I saw them walk into their wagon. Then I finally with dragged boots made it up my steps. I looked at my girls once I entered, both naked across my furs asleep. They were not asleep for long, and again, another good day ending.